Category Archives: Commentary

Swamp fever

  Photo by Vish K on Unsplash   Cesspit, innit. Social media, I mean. It’s a dank, vile hellhole that sucks you under and half drowns you in its fetid depths. It’s the pits. Fair enough, socials still have some redeeming qualities, more of which later, but wow, it’s a dark and dirty place these

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Power to the people

All we need now is the dawning of the zombie apocalypse to complete the collective sense that the world’s going to hell in a handcart. I say “collective” because I’ve not met anyone, not even the most determined optimists, who’s managing to stay emotionally buoyant during these soul crushing times. Even the old “things can

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Power cut or power up?

Dunno about you, but I’m bricking it. As the economy spirals into freefall and prices skyrocket, I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling the fear. These are seriously scary times. Often it’s the unknown that fills us with dread, but no-one needs a crystal ball to know that we’re all in for a rough ride, a VERY

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All things being equal

Always look on the bright side of life, eh? Well bugger that when the light at the end of tunnel is all but extinguished. It’s such a bummer that the year is ending in gloom. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s important to focus on the positive, but the pressures presented by Omicron make it supremely

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A conversation killer

Summer’s coming but the subject matter remains the same. Covid, bloody Covid. The damned virus just will not go away. Wait! Before you all start protesting that Covid-19 will never go away, viruses just keep mutating and last FOREVER – I do know that, thanks. But nearly 18 months since we started to hear about

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Apocalypse now, or just dress rehearsal?

The depths of winter and the short days don’t help lift the midwinter gloom, but at least recent bright skies and glittering frost have offered some cheer. Sadly, sparkling patterns and dainty ice-drapery are not enough to silence the doomsday chorus which is currently building up to a crescendo. I wouldn’t normally describe myself as

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Stuff and nonsense: imagining an alternative economy

Look, I’m all about words, not numbers. But a deadly blend of pandemic fiscal fallout and Rishi Sunak statements have been sending my thoughts into unchartered economic waters recently. It feels important to set my stall out here. Despite the fact that I am a small business owner, what I know about economics could be

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A two tone life

Some of my best friends were people of colour. Now before you start raising your liberal eyebrows, this is not intended as an exercise in anti-racist virtue signalling, these words come from a middle-aged, middle class white woman who speaks as one who’s led a two tone life, right from the off. Colour, creed or race were never,

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Real people and rose gardens

It’s seismic stuff, innit. The last 66 days of Covid lockdown have meant massive change for absolutely everyone and everything. No part of our daily lives has been unaffected. The ripples have reached families and individuals, businesses and services, routines and recreation, even institutions have felt the fallout – just look at Westminster… One of the places where

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bbc business business start up children clients commerce confidence COVID-19 enterprise entrepreneur entrepreneurial family Glasgow mental health pandemic parenthood poverty radio Scotland Scottish self employment small business sole trader startup work life balance
