Category Archives: What’s the Word

Funky frocks and flying pterodactyls

Who am I? Oh no, none of your trivial nonsense going on in the Word Up nerve centre this week. These last few days have witnessed nothing less than one of the great philosophical questions of life passing through this particular cerebral cortex. Anyone who reads the weekly meanderings of this middle-aged media madame and

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Illuminating ideas in enterprise

Let there be light. Sometimes, just sometimes, the screamingly obvious in self-employment comes along and flicks on a light switch. But this ain’t no common or garden 60W tungsten, this is one which really illuminates the shadowy corners of your business brain. And sometimes you really, really wish that the switch had been flicked just

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Time off for good business behaviour

The steep learning curve of starting a new small business certainly stays precipitous for a long, long time. Or so it seems from my own personal ascent of the sheer cliff face of commerce. Cos it sure as hell doesn’t feel that I’m going to be reaching the summit any time soon. It’s not that every

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Boastful burdz or braw business broads?

This has been a great week to be a member of the business sisterhood. But don’t go getting your Y-fronts in a fankle fellas, it just happens that this has been a Word Up working week where small biz burdz have featured large. I’ve got no problem at all with the business brotherhood, indeed I’ve

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Money talk is pure murder

M is for murder? Well, it might be for the more homicidal amongst you, but in my book, M actually stands for the great unmentionable of small business…MONEY. Moolah, spondooliks, readies, wonga – whatever your chosen vernacular for filthy lucre, if like me, you’re running your own small business, I’d bet my last remaining fiver

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Why words are worth their weight in wonga

Altogether now…words don’t come easyyyyyy… Or at least that’s what 80s pop warbler F.R. David, complete with his Miami Vice rolled up jacket sleeves and aviator shades, tunefully told us. Naff song maybe, but old F.R. had a point – words are tricky, slippery wee devils are they not? You can never find the right

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Wedded bliss versus running a biz

This week I got a bit of a doing. Just a small verbal doing mind you, but a doing nonetheless. And what’s more, this particular wife, mother and small business owner well and truly deserved it. The clue as to why I should be on the receiving end of a right good reprimand, in case

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See Scottish small business, it’s pure brilliant!

  Yes, there’s been plumbers and painters, cake bakers and cleaners, web wizards and walkers (of dogs). There’s been IFAs, VAs and CAs. There’s been artists and crafties, designers and detoxers. There’s even been death. It’s only a few short months since I started out in the business of business, but I have been blown

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The 10 Competitive Commandments of Small Business

The 10 Competitive Commandments of Small Business:- Thou shalt work Monday-Sunday, and on bank holidays. Thou shalt get up before daybreak and retire in the wee small hours. Thou shalt sacrifice family time and thine own quality of life. Thou shalt foreswear social life and time alone with your partner. Thou shalt be perpetually crabbit

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Business and the battle of the bairns

Blimey. What a week with the Word Up weans. The manic juggling and plate spinning involved with daily domestic duties and working parenthood is, I’m sure, no different in the Word Up empire than it is for any family, anywhere. But some weeks sure do make you want to run off into the sunset, screaming.

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bbc business business start up children clients commerce confidence COVID-19 enterprise entrepreneur entrepreneurial family Glasgow mental health pandemic parenthood poverty radio Scotland Scottish self employment small business sole trader startup work life balance
