Category Archives: What’s the Word

Baring of teeth

Funny old things, humans. So simple and yet so utterly perplexing. Head-scratching and marvelling at human behaviour is one of my favourite pastimes, but I remain baffled at how some folks simply cannot evolve and adapt. And just when you think there are signs of real social progress, people go and do something a bit daft. It’s

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Enough is enough

Profit margin and piles of dosh. The principle drivers for all businesses, everywhere. Apparently. Me? I’m not so sure. I’ve got a complicated relationship with monetary matters, and simply cannot get excited about only being in business to make moolah. For me, bringing in the greenbacks is only part of the entrepreneurial picture, I simply could not

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Love me tender

It’s an emotional business being a sole trader. In a good year there’s plenty of highs, but the tough stuff can be hard to handle when you’re a solo flyer with no colleagues or partners to share the weight with or to dust you down when you’ve fallen on your small business bahookie.  Perversely, it’s

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ACEs high

Don’t look back in anger. Or so goes the Oasis song. And they’ve got a point. For the sake of our our mental health it’s probably not a good idea to dwell on the past.  Maybe more of us should open those cupboards and let the skeletons loose. Maybe we ought to find ways to forgive those

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Lordy lordy

Never mind some lighthearted digital chitchat, folks, this time it’s serious. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about God. But if you reckon you’re about to get some profound spiritual enlightenment, you’re probably barking up the wrong blog. The extent of my involvement with the holy father begins and ends with singing along at the top of my

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Care Less Whisper

Social media, huh? Dunno about you guys, but I’m all out of love. This gnawing dissatisfaction with some parts of the digisphere has been steadily gathering strength here at Word Up HQ, and not just because Facebook are in deep doo-doo (although I do wonder why any of us are at all surprised that our personal info

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Adventures in adulthood

It’s such fun being friends with a legend. My pal’s not a rockstar, footballer or A-list celeb. He’s not a soap star, an Oscar winner, a prince or a pin-up. He’s not even a household name. But my mate’s got legendary status in our wee corner of Glasgow, everyone knows who he is. What’s more, this ain’t

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Sole trading soulsters will know exactly where I’m coming from when I borrow a line from the Reverend Al Green. Basically, folks, I’m so tired of being alone. Apologies for hackneyed plagiarism of a simply stunning and much-loved song, but it turns out that the quiet contentment of ploughing one’s own furrow was wearing a bit thin. It’s

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Annus discombobulous

Praise be, this year’s nearly over. Dunno about you, dear reader, but can’t say I’ll be sorry to see the back of 2017. Boy, it’s been weird. Good riddance to an annus discombobulous, say I. Come Hogmanay, I’ll be joining in with Big Ben’s bongs (which have been temporarily brought out of their campanological silence,

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Digital dictatorship

Prepare yourselves, peeps. What you’re about to witness is some classic Word Up contrariness. Breathe deep and get ready for a spot of mind-melting as I try to explain the ever-tightening web of confusion I find myself wrapped up in. But before I go further, please be aware that every single word cast here in ever-lasting digital stone comes

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Tagged with

bbc business business start up children clients commerce confidence COVID-19 enterprise entrepreneur entrepreneurial family Glasgow mental health pandemic parenthood poverty radio Scotland Scottish self employment small business sole trader startup work life balance
