Tag Archives: small business

Why words are worth their weight in wonga

Altogether now…words don’t come easyyyyyy… Or at least that’s what 80s pop warbler F.R. David, complete with his Miami Vice rolled up jacket sleeves and aviator shades, tunefully told us. Naff song maybe, but old F.R. had a point – words are tricky, slippery wee devils are they not? You can never find the right

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Wedded bliss versus running a biz

This week I got a bit of a doing. Just a small verbal doing mind you, but a doing nonetheless. And what’s more, this particular wife, mother and small business owner well and truly deserved it. The clue as to why I should be on the receiving end of a right good reprimand, in case

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See Scottish small business, it’s pure brilliant!

  Yes, there’s been plumbers and painters, cake bakers and cleaners, web wizards and walkers (of dogs). There’s been IFAs, VAs and CAs. There’s been artists and crafties, designers and detoxers. There’s even been death. It’s only a few short months since I started out in the business of business, but I have been blown

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The 10 Competitive Commandments of Small Business

The 10 Competitive Commandments of Small Business:- Thou shalt work Monday-Sunday, and on bank holidays. Thou shalt get up before daybreak and retire in the wee small hours. Thou shalt sacrifice family time and thine own quality of life. Thou shalt foreswear social life and time alone with your partner. Thou shalt be perpetually crabbit

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Sitting on your bahookie is bad for business

Yeah yeah, you’ve heard it all before. Exercise is good for you. It must be, everyone says so. But if getting a bit of a sweat on is good for your heart, your waistline, your self-esteem, your mood and your energy levels, why do so few small business owners get up off their bahookies to do

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The Unwritten Rules of Business Behaviour

If I had a fiver for every time a dear friend or relly has told me how brave I am to have started my own small business, the income column on my cashflow spreadsheet would be looking pretty damn hefty. Of course, having the backing of family and friends is nothing short of stupendous, and

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Cashflow capers – bookkeeping for beginners

This week’s perilous ascent on the steep slope of small business start-up has found me slack-jawed and stupefied, and all because of business bookkeeping. But let’s make one thing clear right from the start. Yes, I was pretty crap at maths at school – trigonometry and algebra left me deeply disinterested and disaffected. But I

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What’s punk rock got to do with running a small business?

As the song goes, picture this. What image jumps into your mind’s eye when you think of businessmen or women? Suits, shoulder pads, shiny shoes, and striped shirts? Or maybe Michelle Mone stylee power dressing, towering heels and hair coiffed to within an inch of its tweaked and teased life? No? Perhaps what floats your

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Nervous networking for small business

Tense, nervous headache? Oh yes, the dull throb and queasy tummy symptoms began at about 4pm last Wednesday. And not surprisingly, the green-round-the-gills feelings began a couple of short hours before I headed out the door earlier this week in my new role as small business owner and sole trader. Because I was getting ready

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bbc business business start up children clients commerce confidence COVID-19 enterprise entrepreneur entrepreneurial family Glasgow mental health pandemic parenthood poverty radio Scotland Scottish self employment small business sole trader startup work life balance
