Tag Archives: startup

Illuminating ideas in enterprise

Let there be light. Sometimes, just sometimes, the screamingly obvious in self-employment comes along and flicks on a light switch. But this ain’t no common or garden 60W tungsten, this is one which really illuminates the shadowy corners of your business brain. And sometimes you really, really wish that the switch had been flicked just

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The 10 Competitive Commandments of Small Business

The 10 Competitive Commandments of Small Business:- Thou shalt work Monday-Sunday, and on bank holidays. Thou shalt get up before daybreak and retire in the wee small hours. Thou shalt sacrifice family time and thine own quality of life. Thou shalt foreswear social life and time alone with your partner. Thou shalt be perpetually crabbit

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Jumping off the career cliff is something I’m getting pretty good at. I’ve gone through that gut-knotting, nerve-shredding, free-falling leap of faith into the abyss twice already in my adult life. But this is the first time I’ve leapt headfirst off the edge to go it alone with a small business. I’ve jacked in a

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bbc business business start up children clients commerce confidence COVID-19 enterprise entrepreneur entrepreneurial family Glasgow mental health pandemic parenthood poverty radio Scotland Scottish self employment small business sole trader startup work life balance
